Gideon Math and Reading Central Frisco
7151 Preston Rd 191A
7151 Preston Rd 191A,
Gideon Math and Reading Central Frisco
7151 Preston Rd 191A
7151 Preston Rd 191A
At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
About the business
Located in the Frisco area, we are a center based tutoring organization with offerings to help children achieve see academic results. At Gideon Math & Reading Center, we provide a supportive and skilled staff of tutors to fit the needs of your child. The Gideon Math and reading Mission is to provide an affordable, individualized, self-paced, and most of all an effective approach to learning that enables children to excel in math and reading. Providing services like a Reading Program and a Math Program, Gideon Math & Reading Center offers just the right type of additional support you and your child need. Since they were founded, we've been a go-to service for families like yours and are conveniently near the corner of Preston and Stonebrook (next to Emler Swim School, behind Starbucks). Contact us today for more information.
Welcome to Gideon Math and Reading:
Gideon Math and Reading helps children catch up, keep up, and stay ahead.
A program that helps children catch up, keep up, and stay ahead. Whether parents are looking for remedial, foundational work or needing enrichment for their students, we can help. From New York to California, Gideon centers are providing the tools for academic success.
The Gideon program is designed to provide mastery learning in both math and reading comprehension. Building confidence and developing focus step-by-step, Gideon centers create a solid foundation for all children. After your child's starting point is determined, she will attend the center once or twice a week for class and take work to be completed at home, much like piano practice. A few minutes of disciplined study each day really pays off. Our goal is to develop independent learning skills in preparation for middle school and high school.
Parental involvement is essential for success in Gideon. Children need encouragement at home to make sure the work is completed. Together we can all help your children get to the top of their class.
We offer free diagnostic testing and are also waiving any registration fee from now to end of Sep. Call/Email/Stop by the center.
Welcome to Gideon Math and Reading:
Gideon Math and Reading helps children catch up, keep up, and stay ahead.
A program that helps children catch up, keep up, and stay ahead. Whether parents are looking for remedial, foundational work or needing enrichment for their students, we can help. From New York to California, Gideon centers are providing the tools for academic success.
The Gideon program is designed to provide mastery learning in both math and reading comprehension. Building confidence and developing focus step-by-step, Gideon centers create a solid foundation for all children. After your child's starting point is determined, she will attend the center once or twice a week for class and take work to be completed at home, much like piano practice. A few minutes of disciplined study each day really pays off. Our goal is to develop independent learning skills in preparation for middle school and high school.
Parental involvement is essential for success in Gideon. Children need encouragement at home to make sure the work is completed. Together we can all help your children get to the top of their class.
We offer free diagnostic testing and are also waiving any registration fee from now to end of Sep. Call/Email/Stop by the center.
In business since: 2014
Total Employees: 2-10
LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license.
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Program Details
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Credit Card
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