Ellen Shaw-Smith LICSW, BCN, LLC Tutoring
Ellen Shaw-Smith LICSW, BCN, LLC Tutoring

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About the business
I am a Licensed Social Worker, Board Certified in Neurofeedback. I have experience in teaching life skills classes in Behavioral Health settings. In my private office I offer both clinical and educational neurofeedback supports that benefit all ages. I am interested in posting for a Cognitive Progam I have developed at my office with
Play Attention Cognitive Neurofeedback.
Play Attention is a researched based program that improves memory, focus, processing speed and other executive functions. Although it was developed by educators to use in an educational setting it is now being used by people of all ages to improve cognitive functioning. One example of it's broader application is with seniors who are experiencing a decline in cognitive functioning.
Play Attention has been research by Tufts School of Medicine in the Boston and Newton School System. Information on this research, along with broader information on my PA program and my office, can be found on one of my websites, PlayAttentionWIN.com.
At PlayAttentionWIN.com you will also find information on the Focus, the Continuous Performance Test we use to measure 5 elements of attention. Focus allows us to identify specific attentional barriers that can be targeted in an individually tailored Play Attention training program for each participant.
Play Attention can also be used for Peak Performance Training at any age to keep the brain functioning optimally for all areas of life and work.
I am interested in speaking to a representative to see if advertising on your site might be a good fit for my Play Attention Program. Thank you and I look forward to speaking further. Ellen Shaw-Smith, LICSW, BCN, LLC
Play Attention Cognitive Neurofeedback.
Play Attention is a researched based program that improves memory, focus, processing speed and other executive functions. Although it was developed by educators to use in an educational setting it is now being used by people of all ages to improve cognitive functioning. One example of it's broader application is with seniors who are experiencing a decline in cognitive functioning.
Play Attention has been research by Tufts School of Medicine in the Boston and Newton School System. Information on this research, along with broader information on my PA program and my office, can be found on one of my websites, PlayAttentionWIN.com.
At PlayAttentionWIN.com you will also find information on the Focus, the Continuous Performance Test we use to measure 5 elements of attention. Focus allows us to identify specific attentional barriers that can be targeted in an individually tailored Play Attention training program for each participant.
Play Attention can also be used for Peak Performance Training at any age to keep the brain functioning optimally for all areas of life and work.
I am interested in speaking to a representative to see if advertising on your site might be a good fit for my Play Attention Program. Thank you and I look forward to speaking further. Ellen Shaw-Smith, LICSW, BCN, LLC
In business since: 2012
Total Employees: 2-10
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Program Details
Cost & Availability
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