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Daycare Center

Davis-holland Learning Center, Inc.

1445 Cantillon Blvd, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

based on 3 reviews


Extended care (after school)

Extended care (before school)

Full time (5 days/week)


Half-day (afternoon)

Half-day (morning)

Part time (1-4 days/week)


Davis-Holland Learning Center is a service based business and views its mission as increasing the communities’ productivity and bettering the quality of life by providing an academically aggressive curriculum to students’ age birth to 5 years.

Davis-Holland Learning Center is dedicated to building long-term relationships with clients by providing innovative quality childcare services. We will maintain a friendly, safe and productive environment where children and their families are safe, enriched and empowered an environment which respects diversity and cultural differences.

Opportunities are provided to children and their families to:
• Build self-esteem
• Enhance strengths
• Stimulate creativity
• Promote self-sufficiency
• Together we will shape the future.

The Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. opened its doors for service on February 1, 2001 in Mays Landing, New Jersey. DHLC staff has been involved in providing high-quality childcare for more than 20 years.

It is the philosophy of the DHLC that the center should provide a safe and stimulating environment that creates a foundation for lifetime learning.
Our focus is an academically vigorous one, which celebrates innovation and technology. Our experienced staff and certified teachers will nurture and educate, incorporating proven techniques into the curriculum. Children at DHLC will flourish in a loving atmosphere that stimulates, motivates and educates.

Innovative Curriculum

Davis-Holland Learning Center offers an innovative academically aggressive theme-based curriculum which promotes learning through play and music. This is done with activities such as but not limited to the following
• Circle time: Theme Based Learning: The children are introduced to a wide variety of concepts (literacy, math, science, etc.) through weekly themes. The alphabet, numbers, colors, days of the week and the weather are reviewed
Turn-taking and listening skills: Learning to be co-operative and to be actively engaged in learning time for a pre-determined period of time
Public Speaking: By speaking in front of peers at a young age, the children learn valuable skills in positive communication.

• Center time: Center time is available for child-initiated, teacher supported learning.
Center time includes: dramatic play, science/sensory exploration, art station, building and construction, table toys for fine motor development, library, puzzles, and math
Center time also enable the classroom teacher time for small skill-focused groups and special projects and well as one on one time to focused on children’s individual goals.

• Gross motor: The outdoors is the very best place for children to practice and master emerging physical skills. It is outside that children can fully and freely experience motor skills like running, leaping, and jumping. It is also the most appropriate area for the practice of ball-handling skills, like throwing, catching, and striking. And children can perform other important manipulative skills such as pulling a wagon, and lifting and carrying objects, pedaling a bike, and so much more.
We are fortunate enough to have a large indoor gross motor space at Davis-Holland Learning Center where the children can play during times when the weather doesn't permit. Outside play experience should provide and review many of the same skills that were introduced in the classroom.

Professional Trained Staff
Davis-Holland Learning Center provides high quality professionally trained preschool teachers and supporting staff. Staff conducts themselves in a caring and respectful manner at all times in an effort to create an environment that stimulates growth and cognitive development

Live Cameras
Davis-Holland Learning Center is proud to offer the opportunity to stay in touch with your child when they are at school. Secure network cameras have been installed in each classroom positioned on the children’s learning and playing spaces

Scheduling Flexibility
Davis-Holland Learning Center accommodates all scheduling options with appropriate communication to administration

Sibling Discount
We offer 10% discount off the oldest child’s tuition

Company Summary
Davis-Holland Learning Center has positioned itself to become the premier childcare provider in the area. The services began as a home-based business in Mays Landing, New Jersey, in 1992, and was quickly able to secure the maximum amount of children.
Davis-Holland Learning Center is a childcare provider servicing children ages birth to 12 years. Theme based curriculum is used to implement the educational skills needed before entering into formal schooling. Before and after school services are available for students in formal school. Additionally tutoring and nanny services can be scheduled.
In 2000 Melode Davis-Holland, the owner and executive director found a building that was perfect for my needs, and Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. was formed.
In February 2001, the doors of Davis-Holland Learning Center opened. Business was good right from the beginning. In the second year, Davis-Holland learning Center, Inc. was selected by the Hamilton Township School District to provide preschool classes for the districts four-year-old children. This was truly an honor as well as a testament that my center was running well. This program lasted for four years. Davis-Holland Learning Center became the school of choice and in the final year we graduated 62 children to the other participating schools 25.
In 2004 Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. expanded to the Pleasantville area. The doors were opened for business in October and by November Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. was selected by the Pleasantville School District with expectations to participate in their government state funded Abbott Program. Due to the state of the economy Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. closed the doors to the Pleasantville facility in 2008.
Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. Mays Landing location was able to withstand the great recession of 2008. While experiencing great adversity and watching many of my competitors closing and or selling Davis-Holland Learning Center was able to rise and regain the profit margins that they achieve before the recession.
Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc. has been recognized for teaching sign language. The local public school district often refers parents of special needs children that require support services to Davis-Holland Learning Center, Inc.. Most recently we received headlines for saving an infants life
I, Melode Davis-Holland received an Humanitarian award as well as resolutions from local politicians

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1445 Cantillon Blvd, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Center Highlights


  • Academic


  • Certified nursing assistant
  • Certified teacher
  • Child development associate (cda)
  • Cpr training
  • Early child development coursework
  • First aid training


  • Special needs care


Age Range
Monthly Rate

0 - 11 months


1 - 3 years


4 - 5 years


6 - 11 years



This business has satisfied NJ's requirements to be licensed. For the most up-to-date status and inspection reports, please view this provider's profile on NJ's licensing website.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


Reviews Policy

This business is not enabled for match. Start matching to find similar businesses. verifies on a monthly basis that this childcare center has an active license to operate. only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.

Special Offers

5% discount offer to Premium members.

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