CHOICE Educational Counseling
CHOICE Educational Counseling
At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
About the business
Students average only 38 minutes of college counseling over their entire 4 years in High School. And the average college acceptance rate is only 22.6%. Now, the way to college is competitive and complicated, even before you figure out how to pay for it. CHOICE Educational Counseling helps students and their families navigate the best path to success.
There are as many paths to the future as there are students, but almost everyone will need to make their way through college. No matter where a student's path begins, she or he will need guidance and insight when it comes to navigating the ever more complicated process of going to college- more than can be provided by parents and schools alone.
Founders Jessica Bartnick and Dr. Jennifer Haden are here to answer the challenge across the socioeconomic spectrum with CHOICE Educational Counseling, which benefits Foundation for CHOICE, our affiliated nonprofit.
So what sets us apart from other services and eliminates the frustration of wading through endless information online? CHOICE Educational Counseling takes an individualized approach with a long-term outlook. We want to prepare students for the future beyond college, as well as strengthen communities for generations by reaching as many students as possible through our connection to Foundation for
Based on our experience, students need a more sophisticated combination of learning and life skills than ever before to succeed. Meeting the responsibility of completing required paperwork is just the beginning; and gaining acceptance to college is only the first step to a successful transition to adulthood. We'll design a plan that meets students where they are and maximizes their efforts to achieve their dreams.
There are as many paths to the future as there are students, but almost everyone will need to make their way through college. No matter where a student's path begins, she or he will need guidance and insight when it comes to navigating the ever more complicated process of going to college- more than can be provided by parents and schools alone.
Founders Jessica Bartnick and Dr. Jennifer Haden are here to answer the challenge across the socioeconomic spectrum with CHOICE Educational Counseling, which benefits Foundation for CHOICE, our affiliated nonprofit.
So what sets us apart from other services and eliminates the frustration of wading through endless information online? CHOICE Educational Counseling takes an individualized approach with a long-term outlook. We want to prepare students for the future beyond college, as well as strengthen communities for generations by reaching as many students as possible through our connection to Foundation for
Based on our experience, students need a more sophisticated combination of learning and life skills than ever before to succeed. Meeting the responsibility of completing required paperwork is just the beginning; and gaining acceptance to college is only the first step to a successful transition to adulthood. We'll design a plan that meets students where they are and maximizes their efforts to achieve their dreams.
In business since: 2018
Total Employees: 2-10
Awards & Accreditations
One woman who spent her entire career in college counseling and collegiate administration, met another woman who founded a nonprofit focused on higher education achievement. These two put their heads together and co-founded CHOICE Educational Counseling. A College Counseling Service comprised of expert advisors. And they donate a portion of their revenue to fund Foundation For C.H.O.I.C.E. A nonprofit focused on a college and career prep mentoring program for the low income high school student.
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potential care providers.
Program Details
One to one
High School
College/Graduate level
Middle School & Jr. High
Special Needs
Learning Disabilities
Academic Skills
Study Skills
Homework help
Exam Prep
State Test Prep
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Credit Card
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