Daycare Center
6708 Gaddy St, Fort Pierce Fl, 34951, Fort Pierce, FL 34951
Full time (5 days/week)
Half-day (afternoon)
Half-day (morning)
Part time (1-4 days/week)
For years, there has been a myth that because of its anatomical size, the laws of physics prove a bumblebee should not be able to fly. However, in recent years it has been documented that bumblebees are able to successfully fly by moving their wings from front to back rather than up and down, like other flying insects.
We find this fact to be a great analogy for the success of people as well. Everyone’s path may look different, but regardless of our limitations, we all have the potential to succeed…even if we do it our own way.
Bumblebee Academy’s pre-school program will help shape our learners and prepare them for entering elementary school. The small classroom sizes and structured curriculum will provide the support needed to develop academic and social skills needed for success.
Bumblebee Academy’s Foundations Program was developed after recognizing a need in our community. The academy will operate as a center for learning for elementary aged learners who need to catch up and get ahead. Our team possesses an authentic passion for seeing children and adults reach their potential while feeling safe, being treated with respect, and building relationships.
By offering a small, inclusive classroom learning environment, our staff is able to provide learners with the extra attention and support that will help them achieve their individual and foundational skills, including transitioning into a traditional learning environment. The philosophy of our learning center is centered around three ideas: inclusion, respect and quality.
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6708 Gaddy St, Fort Pierce Fl, 34951, Fort Pierce, FL 34951
Age Range | Monthly Rate |
2 - 3 years | $185.00 |
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