Binding Abilities & Resources Center, Inc
Binding Abilities & Resources Center, Inc
12138 Central Ave.,
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
About the business
Binding Abilities & Resources Center (BARC) is a 501(c) 3 tax exempt community based resource service provider that offers an at risk youth mentoring program, as well as an array of services for children with special needs in Prince George's County MD, and surrounding areas.
Binding Abilities & Resources Center, Inc.'s President, and CEO Jami Gambles Brooks has extensive education, and experience in the field of counseling, special education, and mental health. Her passion and love for helping young people achieve success no matter what their challenge are has led her to create a children and youth based organization. BARC will not only help these children to reach their full potential and set goals for the future, but will also serve as a resource for families in need of support.
BARC is under the direction of a well rounded, skilled, and educated, team of professional Board of Directors and Advisers whose combined expertise is an asset to the formation, structure, and organizational development of the this establishment.
Family Training,
Rehab Coordination,
Teen mentoring and community outreach,
Summer Camp,
Student Advocacy.
Binding Abilities & Resources Center, Inc.'s President, and CEO Jami Gambles Brooks has extensive education, and experience in the field of counseling, special education, and mental health. Her passion and love for helping young people achieve success no matter what their challenge are has led her to create a children and youth based organization. BARC will not only help these children to reach their full potential and set goals for the future, but will also serve as a resource for families in need of support.
BARC is under the direction of a well rounded, skilled, and educated, team of professional Board of Directors and Advisers whose combined expertise is an asset to the formation, structure, and organizational development of the this establishment.
Family Training,
Rehab Coordination,
Teen mentoring and community outreach,
Summer Camp,
Student Advocacy.
In business since: 2012
Total Employees: 2-10
Awards & Accreditations
We are recognized in the State of Maryland as a 501 (C) 3 non profit organization.
Care.com has not verified this business license.
We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or
state licensing department
to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
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potential care providers.
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Cash|
- Credit Card
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