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Assisted Living Center-salisbury


19 Beach Rd, Salisbury, MA, 01952

About Assisted Living Center-salisbury

Assisted Living Center - Salisbury stands out in a crowded field of assisted living communities because of the commitment, dedication and compassion of each professional employee here. Every staff member from personal care to cooks to management is a resident of a local community, employed by this local organization - not a contracted worker from a large out-of-state corporation. Our employees are the heart and soul of our success.

We understand the characteristics and traditions of the local area. We knowwhere the best farm stands, butcher shops and fish markets are located. And we have first-hand knowledge of the area s best support services available to the senior population. We understand that you want to be as active and independent as possible while receiving the supportive care you require. We strive to help you maintain the daily living activities you can still manage without our assistance - and we will be there to assist you when you can't quite perform other activities alone.


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Services & Amenities

Location & Office hours

Assisted Living Center-salisbury

19 Beach Rd, Salisbury, MA 01952

Licensing information

We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or MA's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-senior ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements
  • Complying with safety and health inspections

Get a personalized quote and availability information from Assisted Living Center-salisbury. verifies on a monthly basis that this facility has an active license to operate. only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.