A Better Canine 4 U

8809 Norton St.
El Paso, TX 79904
8809 Norton St., El Paso, TX 79904
915-751-7200 915-751-7200

A Better Canine 4 U

8809 Norton St.
El Paso, TX 79904
8809 Norton St.
El Paso, TX 79904
915-751-7200 915-751-7200
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Pet Care General

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Ratings & Reviews

( 3)
Robert G
My fiancé and I were recommended to Pedro through our veterinarian. Our dog Scout had been with a previous owner and as he grew up with us he became more in charge of our household. We couldn't have any company over as he would be very upset and not stop barking. Over the span of a couple meetings with Pedro Scout started to slowly come around to taking orders from sitting to leaving things that were not his. Before meeting with Pedro we would sometimes have a very hard time even taking Scout out to go out as he would fight us on putting any kind of harness or collar. Now after his training he comes to us sits and allows us to put his collar on to go outside. These things seem small but if you have ever had a dog as rebellious as ours was you know it can dominate your life. We appreciate everything Pedro did for us and as anything that's worth while it did take time as breaking habits is hard both for dogs as for people. We really do feel like we have our life back and that we have a dog who loves us but also respects us enough to listen to us as he knows we have his best interest in mind. He has been able to meet new people and other dogs now and have friends and although we still keep working our household is filled with moments that make us appreciate how good of a dog he always was. We just had to learn to speak his language in order for us to get to this point. I would highly recommend Better canine 4 U to anyone who loves their pet but has found that intuition has led to their dog acting out. We thought we had some idea on how to train a dog as we had others and had been able to but some cases are more specialized and require time patience and the correct game plan. Lastly for anyone getting or considering getting training please understand all dogs are different and sometimes these things take time and a lot of work on your end as an owner. A trainer helps guide you but what you as an owner do day in and day out will be what makes the difference. To get the most out of training Pedro will ask for days to be less windy. We have found that it does make a big impact to how Scout is trained when there is or is not wind. Obviously he will be in El Paso where wind does happen often but for a day of training to occur where you want your dogs 100 percent attention to get the most out of it. Some people do expect that after one session all problems will be solved. As in life I feel this is never the case, patience and consistency will be what makes long lasting change. Again thank you Pedro we are eternally grateful to have a peaceful life back and thank you for allowing the best parts of Scout show.
We were recommended Pedro from our vet, who had observed that our dog was very skiddish and at times uncontrollable. Scout is the first dog we have as a family if I'm being honest, he's not what we expected after years of having pets with our parents. Scout was big and hyper and definitely lacked respect and boundaries when it came to us. He practically ran our household to the point where we'd retreat to our bedroom when things did too hectic and he couldn't put him in his kennel to calm down.
Even after just one session with Pedro, which was the session where he got to see how severe the case was, we immediately implemented the tips that he gave us to start correcting Scout's behavior. Things felt weird and foreign because we had an idea of a trainer in our heads but then it was explained to us that Pedro is a *behaviorist*, which meant that he wasn't just going to teach our dog commands and it would miraculously hit a switch in his brain to change our dog. We had to put in consistent work and effort to make sure we were establishing routines and teaching our dog that it was okay to rely on us instead of allowing him to feel the stress and anxiety of being the one to lead us. By the second session, Pedro had already seen a difference in the way scout was acting not only with us, but with Pedro as well since Scout doesn't take to people easily. In conversation, it came up that Scout was probably an 8 of 10 in the difficulty scale but that didn't deter Pedro, or ourselves.
All in all, we had about six sessions with A Better Canine 4 U, and each time Pedro came to visit he noticed the growth that our once (extremely) hard to get through to dog was exhibiting. From barking and snapping nonstop at day one to walking side by side with Pedro (no muzzling) and even sniffing on him like he was one of us, the difference is real.
One of our original concerns was having a dog that was out of control when we decided to start a family- thankfully by session 6, that fear was thrown at the window and up until the very end and during Scout's final "test" we were given tips on how to help introduce our coming baby to Scout in a seamless transition. We're very excited to start trying these methods as we get closer to our due date.
This training, or behavior coaching, worked because we were willing to put in the work to get the results that we wanted and I'm so grateful that we stuck to the methods because our home life, and Scout's quality of life has improved so much as well as the bond that we've strengthened with him. 5 stars, and honestly more if we could.
Behaviorist, Pedro Araujo took weeks to actually schedule me in saying "Things just happen". They seem to happen every day. He would tell me he'd call or text me back in an hour or that same day and then I wouldn't hear from him at all or til the next day. I would have to be the one reaching out. It's obvious he has problems with time management and organizational skills to run a business. He then charged me half the cost for training and only came once as he'd make excuses about the days being too breezy or windy to train a dog yet I asked another trainer if the wind is an issue and they stated no unless is crazy windy and there is dirt blowing. In addition, he gave me methods that were making my Australian shepherd more aggressive and causing her to become worse and impacting my relationship with her as well as my other dog. My other dog was having to defend herself. The Australian Shepard started peeing in places she never peed at and was rebellious. His response was I am available 24/7 via call or text. I didn't hire a 24/7 call/text dog trainer. I hired a one-to-one onsite trainer. I asked him to return some of the costs to me and he refused. He became so upset he reported me to animal control of which animal control found nothing. It's obvious various business skills to run a business. I am taking him to court since he refused to return a portion of my money back. I called my Vet as he threatened to also call my vet and my vet is 100% supporting me.
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