Generations Day Care is an adult and senior day care facility located in Ramona, CA.
Our senior clients participate in activities that suit their interests and capabilities, and that promote wellness and the ability to age in place. Adult Day provides a safe, fun, and interactive place forSeniors to attend and receive day time care. This option may enable our clients the ability to maintain living independently in their own home, and/or allow family members and other care givers a much needed respite.
For some clients, Adult Day is an alternative to moving into an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. Our services are also more affordable than private, in-home care givers, and provide a greater opportunity for socializing and interacting with others. In addition, clients will have the convenience and ability to access additional, third-party services such as: a hair dresser, physical therapy, podiatrist services, and more, while participating in day care programs.
Our facility is inter-generational, meaning that children visit our seniors and interact in meaningful ways, such as playing games together, participating in music, reading and craft projects together, which enrich the lives of both the young and old. … show more