7 free tutoring options for kids

Interested in free tutoring but don't want to break the bank? Consider these quality options that offer tutoring for free.

7 free tutoring options for kids

All children learn in different ways. Some are hands-on while others are more instruction-inclined. A one-on-one or group tutoring session can make the difference between As and Bs on the next report card. There’s absolutely no shame in seeking additional help and no reason to break the bank to ensure a thorough understanding of material. 

With the advanced world of technology, the unlimited resources of the internet and access to almost any fathomable information, in-person and online tutoring has been made simpler and you can even find free tutoring for kids. Here are seven places to look.

1. Your child’s school

Check out what services are available through your child’s school. Teachers routinely offer free tutoring to help out if a child needs additional support. After-school programs generally make time for children to do their homework and offer a teacher’s assistant to help in mini makeshift tutoring sessions.

2. Other schools

If your child is in elementary school, scope out the local high schools and colleges. Often, high school-aged and college students need credit toward a class and offer tutoring sessions free of charge.

3. Government programs

Through the Every Student Succeeds Act — the 2015 replacement for No Child Left Behind — a large number of children are eligible for free tutoring. To find out if your child is eligible, contact your school district. Requirements vary by state, and your state Department of Education will have a running list of eligible schools. Students are paired with knowledgeable tutors who may come from for-profit agencies, community-based organizations or be teachers themselves.

4. Boys and Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club of America is a program that works toward the development of children and can be found in most communities. It has homework assistance for grades K through 12. They also outsource some of their tutoring and have a list of programs they work with on their website.

5. Learn to Be Foundation

The Learn to Be Foundation is a nonprofit created to enrich students through free online tutoring. Students interact with a tutor through audio and digital chalkboards. Sessions are available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and subjects include math, language arts and sciences.

6. Khan Academy

Backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Google, Khan Academy is a trusted not-for-profit organization. The website is interactive and hosts a library of more than 3,400 free videos covering grade-school subjects, as well as advanced studies like finance. Students can customize their lessons and instantly receive feedback to track improvement.

7. Friends, family and neighbors

Another alternative to costly tutoring sessions is using services of friends and family. Contact your friends and ask around in search of a well-educated person looking to make a difference. It’s not unheard of for people to offer their time and resources to better educate our youth out of the goodness of their heart. Post on the bulletin board in your local grocery store, look in the weekly newspaper or on a neighborhood listserv. 

First, decide what method of tutoring will be most helpful to your child — online or in-person — and go from there. If online tutorials work, do your research. Set aside time to sit with your child while they learn the ropes. (Start with our story on how to prepare for your first tutoring session.) If in-person tutoring sessions are your choice, make time to provide your child with transportation and schedule sessions that are convenient for everyone’s schedule.

*Article originally written by Kelly Johnston

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